Namespace | plupload |
Class | Uploader |
var uploader = new plupload.Uploader({ runtimes : 'gears,html5,flash', browse_button : 'button_id' }); uploader.bind('Init', function(up) { alert('Supports drag/drop: ' + (!!up.features.dragdrop)); }); uploader.bind('FilesAdded', function(up, files) { alert('Selected files: ' + files.length); }); uploader.bind('QueueChanged', function(up) { alert('Queued files: ' + uploader.files.length); }); uploader.init();
Property | Defined By |
features : Object
Map of features that are available for the uploader runtime.
Uploader |
files : Array
Current upload queue, an array of File instances.
Uploader |
id : String
Unique id for the Uploader instance.
Uploader |
settings : Object
Object with name/value settings.
Uploader |
state : Number
Current state of the total uploading progress.
Uploader |
Total progess information.
Uploader |
Method | Defined By |
Constructs a new uploader instance.
Uploader |
bind(name:String, func:function, scope:Object):void
Adds an event listener by name.
Uploader |
Returns the specified file object by id.
Uploader |
Initializes the Uploader instance and adds internal event listeners.
Uploader |
Refreshes the upload instance by dispatching out a refresh event to all runtimes.
Uploader |
Removes a specific file.
Uploader |
splice(start:Number, length:Number):Array
Removes part of the queue and returns the files removed.
Uploader |
Starts uploading the queued files.
Uploader |
Stops the upload of the queued files.
Uploader |
trigger(name:String, Multiple:Object..):void
Dispatches the specified event name and it's arguments to all listeners.
Uploader |
unbind(name:String, func:function):void
Removes the specified event listener.
Uploader |
Event | Defined By |
Fires when just before a file is uploaded.
Uploader |
Fires when file chunk is uploaded.
Uploader |
Fires when a error occurs.
Uploader |
FilesAdded(uploader:Uploader, files:Array)
Fires while when the user selects files to upload.
Uploader |
FilesRemoved(uploader:Uploader, files:Array)
Fires while a file was removed from queue.
Uploader |
Fires when a file is successfully uploaded.
Uploader |
Fires when the current RunTime has been initialized.
Uploader |
Fires after the init event incase you need to perform actions there.
Uploader |
Fires when the file queue is changed.
Uploader |
Fires when the silverlight/flash or other shim needs to move.
Uploader |
Fires when the overall state is being changed for the upload queue.
Uploader |
Fires when a file is to be uploaded by the runtime.
Uploader |
Fires while a file is being uploaded.
Uploader |
public features : Object
public id : String
public settings : Object
public state : Number
public total : QueueProgress
function Uploader(settings:Object)
settings:Object | Initialization settings, to be used by the uploader instance and runtimes. |
function bind(name:String, func:function, scope:Object):void
name:String | Event name to listen for. |
func:function | Function to call ones the event gets fired. |
scope:Object | Optional scope to execute the specified function in. |
function getFile(id:String):File
id:String | File id to look for. |
function init():void
function refresh():void
function removeFile(file:File):void
file:File | File to remove from queue. |
function splice(start:Number, length:Number):Array
start:Number | (Optional) Start index to remove from. |
length:Number | (Optional) Lengh of items to remove. |
function start():void
function stop():void
function trigger(name:String, Multiple:Object..):void
name:String | Event name to fire. |
Multiple:Object.. | arguments to pass along to the listener functions. |
function unbind(name:String, func:function):void
name:String | Name of event to remove. |
func:function | Function to remove from listener. |
event BeforeUpload(uploader:Uploader, file:File)
uploader:Uploader | Uploader instance sending the event. |
file:File | File to be uploaded. |
event ChunkUploaded(uploader:Uploader, file:File, response:Object)
uploader:Uploader | Uploader instance sending the event. |
file:File | File that the chunk was uploaded for. |
response:Object | Object with response properties. |
event Error(uploader:Uploader, error:Object)
uploader:Uploader | Uploader instance sending the event. |
error:Object | Contains code, message and sometimes file and other details. |
event FilesAdded(uploader:Uploader, files:Array)
uploader:Uploader | Uploader instance sending the event. |
files:Array | Array of file objects that was added to queue/selected by the user. |
event FilesRemoved(uploader:Uploader, files:Array)
uploader:Uploader | Uploader instance sending the event. |
files:Array | Array of files that got removed. |
event FileUploaded(uploader:Uploader, file:File, response:Object)
uploader:Uploader | Uploader instance sending the event. |
file:File | File that was uploaded. |
response:Object | Object with response properties. |
event Init(uploader:Uploader)
uploader:Uploader | Uploader instance sending the event. |
event PostInit(uploader:Uploader)
uploader:Uploader | Uploader instance sending the event. |
event QueueChanged(uploader:Uploader)
uploader:Uploader | Uploader instance sending the event. |
event Refresh(uploader:Uploader)
uploader:Uploader | Uploader instance sending the event. |
event StateChanged(uploader:Uploader)
uploader:Uploader | Uploader instance sending the event. |